Friday, October 12, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
School Days 11/12 - More like Pimp Days
I really don't care if this series is a train-wreck, because it's one of the most fantastic train-wrecks I have ever witnessed. Although I'm still pissed off Makoto didn't die of AIDS, which would've been the ideal case, imho, I'm glad how everything seemed to have wrapped up.
I actually hate myself for ever thinking Makoto was a human being. I mean, I can
understand the studio wanting to build up the suspense by playing out a separate ending before the actual ending, but in the context of Mama Sekai, it just made me hate Makoto more.
The end of 11 scared me a bit though... besides Makoto never making any sense in what he does, the whole reunion scene made me think everything might turn out to be okay for our illegitimate father... but thank God I was wrong.
One alternate ending I might have enjoyed just as much would've been if Makoto Jr. grew up with the heart his father never had and Giga Drill Breaker'd his papa to another dimension. However, I found the reality very satisfying.
YES! Psycho-mode Katsura is always a good sign. Doesn't she kinda give off an Akatsuki vibe in that picture? Or am I just wanting Naruto to end too much?
It's sad that the fight didn't last longer, it would've been so epic. And I wish one of them dual-wielded, that would've been pretty sweet too. And did anyone else notice Katsura's wicked speed boost? I thought Sekai leveled up from killing Makoto, but I guess she's no match for 1337-gear Katsura. Also, the "Oh Shit" look on Sekai's face is classic, but not as classic as...
And this is only 1 of 3 disturbing images for today's School Days episode, the last two to follow soon... I still can't understand why "compartmentalizing" her lover's body would do her any good, but I mean... she's insane, I guess... She must be pretty strong too for lugging that bag up to the freaking roof... anyway...
And if this doesn't take the cake for Most-Disturbing-Scene in an Anime award, this next one is a shoo-in.
I feel soooo bad for Kokoro, she might be the sole victim in this ridiculous show, but how can she not tell how PSYCHOTIC her sister is? Well, I wonder if Katsura will hold that head until it decays ala Faulkner or leash it so she could drag it around with her...
Despite nobody being sane and the main character being the biggest douche alive, I really enjoyed trudging through this show, and I'm especially amazed at how much it made me hate one character. I think one lesson we can take away from this show is to never go for the harem ending unless your ready for the pwnage, aka don't bone and disown.
I actually hate myself for ever thinking Makoto was a human being. I mean, I can
understand the studio wanting to build up the suspense by playing out a separate ending before the actual ending, but in the context of Mama Sekai, it just made me hate Makoto more.
The end of 11 scared me a bit though... besides Makoto never making any sense in what he does, the whole reunion scene made me think everything might turn out to be okay for our illegitimate father... but thank God I was wrong.
One alternate ending I might have enjoyed just as much would've been if Makoto Jr. grew up with the heart his father never had and Giga Drill Breaker'd his papa to another dimension. However, I found the reality very satisfying.
It's sad that the fight didn't last longer, it would've been so epic. And I wish one of them dual-wielded, that would've been pretty sweet too. And did anyone else notice Katsura's wicked speed boost? I thought Sekai leveled up from killing Makoto, but I guess she's no match for 1337-gear Katsura. Also, the "Oh Shit" look on Sekai's face is classic, but not as classic as...
And this is only 1 of 3 disturbing images for today's School Days episode, the last two to follow soon... I still can't understand why "compartmentalizing" her lover's body would do her any good, but I mean... she's insane, I guess... She must be pretty strong too for lugging that bag up to the freaking roof... anyway...
And if this doesn't take the cake for Most-Disturbing-Scene in an Anime award, this next one is a shoo-in.
I feel soooo bad for Kokoro, she might be the sole victim in this ridiculous show, but how can she not tell how PSYCHOTIC her sister is? Well, I wonder if Katsura will hold that head until it decays ala Faulkner or leash it so she could drag it around with her...
Despite nobody being sane and the main character being the biggest douche alive, I really enjoyed trudging through this show, and I'm especially amazed at how much it made me hate one character. I think one lesson we can take away from this show is to never go for the harem ending unless your ready for the pwnage, aka don't bone and disown.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Hayate no Gotoku! 22 - Maria == HOT
I love this show. I love Maria. I love the parodies. I love Maria. Almost halfway there, but still no plot development, but I don't really care, because every time I watch this show, it just makes me happy.
This time around, Nagi drags Hayate to go fishing with her after reading some Sanpei, after which some more hilarious misunderstandings occur.
One weird thing is how much Nagi reminds me of myself, it freaks me out. I mean, when I was a kid I used to read all sorts of manga and get obsessed with whatever I had read about an hour ago. I seriously think my childhood aspirations were directly related to which manga I was reading that week... oh, wait... I still do that.
Anyway, it turns out Maria pwns at fishing, too (surprise!), which is actually strangely attractive... the thing I still don't understand, though, is if Maria is so freaking smart and good at EVERYTHING, why is she a MAID? Of all the things she could possibly do? Especially for Nagi. I'm guessing there's some back-story to how this came to be, but if there isn't, I wouldn't be too shocked considering this is an anime about a combat butler.
I always love trying to see how many references I can point out. Usually I miss only a couple (yes, yes, even I cannot catch every parody...), but this episode was particularly easy. BTW, I could totally see Maria cosplaying Mikuru during her free time, and I'd have to say Nagi = Danchou, Isumi = Yuki, Hayate = Kyon (kinda forced), Tama = Itsuki (LOL), and Sakuya = Tsuruya. Oh! and Hinagiku as Asakura ftw.
You gotta love Tama as Kaworu, though Klaus would've been an equally hilarious alternative. Hayate as Shinji doesn't really cut it, however. Hayate is definitely missing the whole "I'm-so-emo-I-could-turn-into-LCL" attitude. In fact, Hayate is probably the antithesis of Shinji, but no matter, it was funny nonetheless.
I'm glad to see the Hayate-Maria relationship developing a little more, because it fools me into thinking that there will be a hint of a serious plot arc coming our way. I guess adding actual romance into Hayate would be kinda weird though.
Nagi's reactions to anything Hayate does is awesome. Especially when she thinks he's "cheating" on her. Snap, Naruto's Kyubi-form has nothing against Super Nagi-jin 5. And did anyone else detect a little Louise in Nagi's reaction to Hayate and Maria's "awkward moment"? Sometimes I think Kugimiya Rie has a universal voice that she uses for every tsundere character she plays, which is like 90% of all the roles she plays. Not that I'm against it, Kugimiya-san is seriously one of my favorite seiyuu's. Plus with her coming back with her best role ever this season, I guess Hayate and Zero no Tsukaima will have to hold me off until Shakugan no Shana II airs.
This time around, Nagi drags Hayate to go fishing with her after reading some Sanpei, after which some more hilarious misunderstandings occur.
One weird thing is how much Nagi reminds me of myself, it freaks me out. I mean, when I was a kid I used to read all sorts of manga and get obsessed with whatever I had read about an hour ago. I seriously think my childhood aspirations were directly related to which manga I was reading that week... oh, wait... I still do that.
Anyway, it turns out Maria pwns at fishing, too (surprise!), which is actually strangely attractive... the thing I still don't understand, though, is if Maria is so freaking smart and good at EVERYTHING, why is she a MAID? Of all the things she could possibly do? Especially for Nagi. I'm guessing there's some back-story to how this came to be, but if there isn't, I wouldn't be too shocked considering this is an anime about a combat butler.
I always love trying to see how many references I can point out. Usually I miss only a couple (yes, yes, even I cannot catch every parody...), but this episode was particularly easy. BTW, I could totally see Maria cosplaying Mikuru during her free time, and I'd have to say Nagi = Danchou, Isumi = Yuki, Hayate = Kyon (kinda forced), Tama = Itsuki (LOL), and Sakuya = Tsuruya. Oh! and Hinagiku as Asakura ftw.
You gotta love Tama as Kaworu, though Klaus would've been an equally hilarious alternative. Hayate as Shinji doesn't really cut it, however. Hayate is definitely missing the whole "I'm-so-emo-I-could-turn-into-LCL" attitude. In fact, Hayate is probably the antithesis of Shinji, but no matter, it was funny nonetheless.
I'm glad to see the Hayate-Maria relationship developing a little more, because it fools me into thinking that there will be a hint of a serious plot arc coming our way. I guess adding actual romance into Hayate would be kinda weird though.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Naruto 370 - And I told you so...
I remember when Naruto used to be so much more awesome than it is now. I justify the fact that I'm still reading the manga to wanting to see the ending because I've been following it for so long now. It's one of those instances where you keep doing something only because you're afraid of wasting all the time you put into it (i.e. school, WoW, etc...)
But thank God for the last few chapters because it looks like our boy Kishimoto is about to wrap it up soon. I'd give it at most 40-50 chapters, if that.
Anyway, I love how Jiraiya is finally getting some more action lately, but that just adds to the theory that he's gonna die fighting Pain. It also looks like there might be some Tsunade-Jiraiya developments building here, but that'll count for nothing if Jiraiya does go and die. Either way, I have a feeling she will get involved in the upcoming Pain battle in one way or another. Maybe they'll die together, and Kakashi will become Hokage, and the the Sannin legend will come to an end (perhaps as a symbol of the new generation??). That's pretty depressing, though.
By the way, did I mention how hott Pain is? If I didn't, he's hott. The more I think about it, the more I can see how it would be impossible for Jiraiya to beat Pain. I mean, the guy beat Hanzou, who wiped out flocks of Konoha ninjas and who could've killed all three Sannin easily but spared them (given that they were young and inexperienced...), and he controls the freaking weather, not to mention the sweet piercing job. No matter how awesome a character Pain is, it still pisses me off that these adversaries just keep getting too ridiculously powerful. I mean, I can suspend reality for a bit (apart from the reality I have to suspend while reading manga anyway...) and say that this new guy is the leader of Akatsuki, so we've known all along how powerful he was... on and on. But the fact of the matter is, how are the good guys supposed to beat enemies that could destroy all the toughest characters in the story by himself? It's like Aizen all over again... gahh... Alls I'm sayin is that Naruto better not turn into another DBZ.
Hopefully there will be more meaningful developments, seeing as how 370 has begun to set up the finale of the series with Madara's mysterious appearance and some insight into what Naruto's really capable of.
But thank God for the last few chapters because it looks like our boy Kishimoto is about to wrap it up soon. I'd give it at most 40-50 chapters, if that.
Anyway, I love how Jiraiya is finally getting some more action lately, but that just adds to the theory that he's gonna die fighting Pain. It also looks like there might be some Tsunade-Jiraiya developments building here, but that'll count for nothing if Jiraiya does go and die. Either way, I have a feeling she will get involved in the upcoming Pain battle in one way or another. Maybe they'll die together, and Kakashi will become Hokage, and the the Sannin legend will come to an end (perhaps as a symbol of the new generation??). That's pretty depressing, though.
By the way, did I mention how hott Pain is? If I didn't, he's hott. The more I think about it, the more I can see how it would be impossible for Jiraiya to beat Pain. I mean, the guy beat Hanzou, who wiped out flocks of Konoha ninjas and who could've killed all three Sannin easily but spared them (given that they were young and inexperienced...), and he controls the freaking weather, not to mention the sweet piercing job. No matter how awesome a character Pain is, it still pisses me off that these adversaries just keep getting too ridiculously powerful. I mean, I can suspend reality for a bit (apart from the reality I have to suspend while reading manga anyway...) and say that this new guy is the leader of Akatsuki, so we've known all along how powerful he was... on and on. But the fact of the matter is, how are the good guys supposed to beat enemies that could destroy all the toughest characters in the story by himself? It's like Aizen all over again... gahh... Alls I'm sayin is that Naruto better not turn into another DBZ.
Hopefully there will be more meaningful developments, seeing as how 370 has begun to set up the finale of the series with Madara's mysterious appearance and some insight into what Naruto's really capable of.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
It's Time to Settle Biznatches! (Catan-Style)
Oh my goodness... After playing hours upon endless hours of this game back at home, now I'm sucked back into it thanks to certain obsessive upperclassmen who insist on playing every ungodly night.
I mean, I always loved this game: mechanics are innovative, game moves at a steady pace (depending on the people you play with...), and there's always such epic chances of comebacks which will probably get you lynched after the gloating. Even though the game itself offers a very involved strategic experience, I'd have to say the best part of the game is how intense the rivalries can get. Just playing one game got me no less than three death threats and the trash-talking can degenerate to elementary school level in just the freaking set-up phase.
i.e.) C: Aww, you lose your sheep again, D****?
D: Shut up, I'm gonna kill you.
Ah, man, you gotta love the thief... Speaking of that bastard, I hate how you can only steal cards from the players who settled on the tile you thieve. It's just unfair how much damage you can inflict on one person, but I guess the hilarious arguments that come out of completely destroying one player's hope is well worth it.
Oh, and by the way, Year of Plenty is the most broken card in the game, I don't care what anybody says.
I'm understanding more and more that the people you play with overweighs, or at least is equal to, the gameplay itself, especially for board games. This is probably why I love board games so much; no matter how bad the game is (MONOPOLY) you can still have a good time with your friends and get some priceless moments out of it (Landing on Boardwalk with double hotels... ouch).
Anyway, I'm gonna have to turn to some more settling until Last Night on Earth comes out. Oh, and it's gonna be so good.
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Birth of a Legend
So, most people who are reading this will probably get a good laugh at the idea of me having a blog. Especially since I was vehemently opposed to any form of online communication for the last couple years for various reasons...
Then, why, did I finally break down and decide to start this nonsense?
It all started when a few friends of mine and I were having a heated conversation about Evangelion and the real meaning behind the ending, how many endings there were, what the crap are Evas in the first place, why is Shinji such a nublet, so on...
During all this, one of my friends suggested that I should start a blog and start ranting about anime there because when I get worked up about anime (at least most of them...), I can go on forever, but at least with a blog, people won't have to deal with how loud I can get.
That's the gist of it. But I'm not planning on making this into another anime blog; there are already enough of those to start evolving into a living entity on its own. Of course I'll be talking about anime most of the time, since it is what makes up at least 50% of my life--most people would say pathetic, but I say revolutionary, puahhaha--however, I want to post about other stuff I like, which will likely turn out to be somehow anime-related.
Hope some of you will keep reading, and we can have insightful debates about Kaworu's sexual preference into the deep of the night. Thanks.
Then, why, did I finally break down and decide to start this nonsense?
It all started when a few friends of mine and I were having a heated conversation about Evangelion and the real meaning behind the ending, how many endings there were, what the crap are Evas in the first place, why is Shinji such a nublet, so on...
During all this, one of my friends suggested that I should start a blog and start ranting about anime there because when I get worked up about anime (at least most of them...), I can go on forever, but at least with a blog, people won't have to deal with how loud I can get.
That's the gist of it. But I'm not planning on making this into another anime blog; there are already enough of those to start evolving into a living entity on its own. Of course I'll be talking about anime most of the time, since it is what makes up at least 50% of my life--most people would say pathetic, but I say revolutionary, puahhaha--however, I want to post about other stuff I like, which will likely turn out to be somehow anime-related.
Hope some of you will keep reading, and we can have insightful debates about Kaworu's sexual preference into the deep of the night. Thanks.
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